In Medias Res — Definition, Examples & How It Works in Stories

Filmmakers and screenwriters will always be faced with the same challenge for every film: How, when, and where should the film start? One method in a screenwriter’s toolbox when beginning their script is by commencing the story in medias res. But what does in medias res mean, and how is it used? Read more to… Continue reading In Medias Res — Definition, Examples & How It Works in Stories

What is a Shooting Script — Purpose and Differences Explained

Screenplays, as well as script treatments, are well known as the foundation for any movie. People in the industry also know that there are so many screenplays out in the wild that have not been produced. But what about those that are chosen for production? Well, they evolve to become shooting scripts. What is a… Continue reading What is a Shooting Script — Purpose and Differences Explained

What is an Archetype — Definition & Examples in Storytelling

What is an archetype? Archetypes play an integral role in how people understand each other – but what are they? We’re going to answer that question as we define archetype, then we’ll look at some archetype examples from classic literature and film. By the end, you’ll know why archetypes are so important for storytellers –… Continue reading What is an Archetype — Definition & Examples in Storytelling

What is Stream of Consciousness Writing — Methods & Tips

As a writer, stream of consciousness may be fun to write but unenjoyable to read. Or for you, the reverse may be true. When talking about screenwriting, stream of consciousness may not be a method frequently used on the page but can be used and benefited from in the pre-writing process or even with visual… Continue reading What is Stream of Consciousness Writing — Methods & Tips

What is Denotation — Definition & Examples for Writers

What is denotation? Denotation is something we apply every second of our lives, but we rarely give conscious attention to it. Today, we’re going to explore what denotation is and how we can recognize it in film, literature and everyday life. We’ll also explore what makes denotation different from connotation. By the end, we’ll know… Continue reading What is Denotation — Definition & Examples for Writers

What is Genre — Definition and Examples of Genre Conventions

Have you ever watched a film that had some level of predictability, but despite this kept you engaged and entertained up until the credits rolled? Odds are the filmmaker behind the movie had a solid understanding of the genre. Most movie-goers have a basic understanding of popular movie genres such as comedy, romance, and dramas. But… Continue reading What is Genre — Definition and Examples of Genre Conventions

What is Sibilance — Definition & Examples For Writers

Sibilance is a useful alliterative tool that writers use to evoke reactions in their readers. But what is sibilance and how is it used? We’re going to answer those questions by looking at sibilance examples from film and literature. We’ll also define sibilance by breaking down its characteristics.Continue reading What is Sibilance — Definition &… Continue reading What is Sibilance — Definition & Examples For Writers

David Koepp — Screenwriter Analysis on Genre, Craft & Process

David Koepp may be famous for writing the action-packed blockbusters Jurassic Park and Mission Impossible, but his decades-long career as screenwriter boasts a far more diverse, and abundant, oeuvre. From romantic or black comedies to thrillers or moody suspense, Koepp’s stories take audiences on entertaining rides, no matter the genre.  Continue reading David Koepp — Screenwriter… Continue reading David Koepp — Screenwriter Analysis on Genre, Craft & Process

Avatar Script PDF Download: Characters, Themes, and Analysis

James Cameron’s 2009 film Avatar marked a technological breakthrough in the world of computer generated filmmaking. But although Avatar received a lot of renown for its visuals, the Avatar script has largely fallen by the wayside. I don’t think it would be inaccurate to suggest most people who saw the film in 2009 don’t remember… Continue reading Avatar Script PDF Download: Characters, Themes, and Analysis

What is Second Person Point of View — Definition and Examples

Your eyes scroll horizontally, sentence by sentence, word over word over word – you stop to think, who is it that’s addressing me? Then, perhaps subconsciously, you realize that you must be reading from an alternate point of view, maybe this is second person – but what is second person point of view? We’re going… Continue reading What is Second Person Point of View — Definition and Examples

Game of Thrones Script PDF Download & Analysis

Let’s break down the Game of Thrones pilot screenplay. Unlike other more straightforward television pilot scripts, the Game of Thrones script is a bit more complex because it introduces several storylines and characters that at first seem to have nothing to do with each other. Let’s teardown the Game of Thrones original pilot script and… Continue reading Game of Thrones Script PDF Download & Analysis

What is Sentence Structure — Examples and Tips for Writers

To understand appropriate sentence structure is to understand the grammatical building blocks of the English language. By having a strong grip on the structures of your sentences, you will be a more versatile writer. In this article, we’ll break down what sentence structure is, what the four types of sentence structures are, and how to… Continue reading What is Sentence Structure — Examples and Tips for Writers

Best Screenwriting Programs — Top 10 Schools To Consider

Aspiring screenwriters often ask “what are the best screenwriting programs?” And although that question certainly holds merit, its answer is completely subjective. The truth is that there are no “best screenwriting schools;” for one person it may be YouTube, for another it may be an Ivy League institution. Still, we’re going to break down the… Continue reading Best Screenwriting Programs — Top 10 Schools To Consider

Lord of the Rings Script PDF — ‘Fellowship’ Analysis & Download

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring is the best story in the trilogy. There are those who will disagree with me, but there’s no denying that Fellowship does a tremendous job of establishing the characters and world of Middle-Earth – while also balancing fantastical whimsy with dramatic action. Fellowship is adapted… Continue reading Lord of the Rings Script PDF — ‘Fellowship’ Analysis & Download

What is Antithesis — Definition & Examples in Literature & Film

If you’ve ever heard sentence structure, met characters, or witnessed ideas that seem diametrically opposed, you’re actually pretty familiar with the idea of the antithesis. But there is more to it than just juxtaposing ideas. Read on to learn exactly what is antithesis, how this tool is used, and how you can include an antithesis… Continue reading What is Antithesis — Definition & Examples in Literature & Film