What is a Focus Puller — Job Description and Duties Explained

What does a focus puller do? In this post, we’ll explain what it means to pull focus, who does it and why, and we’ll cover all of the different types of focus available at a filmmaker’s disposal. We’ll also break down the other responsibilities of a focus puller in filmmaking.Continue reading What is a Focus… Continue reading What is a Focus Puller — Job Description and Duties Explained

What is a Light Diffuser — How Do They Work in Photo & Film

Lighting is a huge component of how a shot looks and feels to a viewer’s eye. Specifically, the quality of light can deeply affect the overall tone of a shot. Diffused light, hard light and everything in between are tools filmmakers have at their disposal to tell a story through their shots. In this article,… Continue reading What is a Light Diffuser — How Do They Work in Photo & Film

How to Use a Green Screen — Setup, Lighting and Creative Uses

Looking to make a sci-fi epic? Need to shoot a weatherman spoof? Wanna spice up your Zoom calls? Don’t worry, no matter why you want to know how to use a green screen, we got you covered. We’ll talk about set-up, lighting, editing, all that stuff. Forget the key to the city, once you know… Continue reading How to Use a Green Screen — Setup, Lighting and Creative Uses

What is Color Temperature & Why It’s Important in Photo & Film

How we see a campfire versus how we see the moon varies greatly. Why? Both are sources of light but are visually very different. The answer is color temperature. Color temperature is one of the most determining qualities of how a light source appears to the human eye as well as a camera sensor. What is… Continue reading What is Color Temperature & Why It’s Important in Photo & Film

What is Dynamic Range in Photography — Exposure Essentials

One of the key differences between professional images and amatuer images is detail. Detail, or lack thereof, is the difference between a cinematic shot and a video-looking shot. Capturing more detail requires a solid understanding of dynamic range. What is dynamic range in photography? Dynamic range in photography and cinematography is a fundamental technical principle that… Continue reading What is Dynamic Range in Photography — Exposure Essentials

What is Hard Light — Examples and Techniques in Film & Photo

Whether you are a cinematographer or photographer, you are very likely to come across a project that will require the use of hard light. High contrast photography, Chiaroscuro lighting, and dramatic images in general are all created with some type of hard light. What is hard light and how does it differ from soft light? We’ll… Continue reading What is Hard Light — Examples and Techniques in Film & Photo

What is Tenebrism — The Art of Light and Shadow Explained

What is tenebrism? Tenebrism is a lighting style that’s often confused with chiaroscuro – but what are the differences between them? And what makes the style unique? We’re going to explore tenebrism by looking at paintings from the Renaissance period. By the end, you’ll know where this style originated, what it can bring to your… Continue reading What is Tenebrism — The Art of Light and Shadow Explained

Blade Runner 2049 Cinematography — Lighting, Color & Camera

If you remember only one thing from Denis Villeneuve’s Blade Runner 2049, it’s probably the visuals. The sandstorm-struck Las Vegas, the neon advertisements, the hypnotic interior of Wallace’s office, the smog-blanketed Los Angeles. Blade Runner 2049 is filled with stunning images that leave impressions that last long after the film is over. It should be… Continue reading Blade Runner 2049 Cinematography — Lighting, Color & Camera

Best iPhone Camera — Top Picks with Specs, Reviews & Prices

The iPhone has been a game changer in the realm of cell phone photography and cinematography. Big names like Steven Soderbergh and Sean Baker famously use iPhones to shoot entire feature films. iPhone has geared entire campaigns toward photographers and filmmakers showing off all the camera capabilities packed into the iPhone. So which iPhone boasts… Continue reading Best iPhone Camera — Top Picks with Specs, Reviews & Prices

What is Conceptual Photography — Definition & Examples

Conceptual art has been criticized and adored by critics and art consumers alike. While some of the criticism capitalizes on lack of technique and aesthetic, much of the criticism stems from the confusion of the term “conceptual.” After all, what characterizes a work of art as conceptual? Adding photography to this debate only increases this… Continue reading What is Conceptual Photography — Definition & Examples

What is Ambient Light — Lighting Techniques Explained

If you’re a photographer or cinematographer, chances are you’ve used ambient light, whether you’ve known it or not. This type of light is everywhere, and can make or break your image — sometimes it helps, sometimes it’s unwanted. So, what is ambient light? In this article, we’ll walk through what ambient illumination is, and how… Continue reading What is Ambient Light — Lighting Techniques Explained

What is Fine Art Photography — Types of Photography Explained

What is fine art photography? How is it made and how is it different from other forms of photography? And, perhaps a larger question that has stirred debate for decades, can photography even be considered a fine art? We will be answering all of these questions and examining some of the best fine art photography… Continue reading What is Fine Art Photography — Types of Photography Explained

The Guilty — Cinematography Breakdown with DP Maz Makhani

For anyone shooting a single-location movie with an extremely short schedule, The Guilty (2021) is an excellent film to study. Plus, a majority of the film focuses on a single character having “one-sided” phone conversations. On top of those constraints, the director was quarantined in a van and directing the film remotely. Here’s cinematographer Maz… Continue reading The Guilty — Cinematography Breakdown with DP Maz Makhani

How to Shoot Film Photography — A Guide From Start to Finish

With so much new technology coming out seemingly every year, many people are finding themselves drawn to analog technology. Vinyl records are making a comeback, Polaroids have regained popularity,  and bell bottom jeans might just be considered “in” again. Add to this nostalgic list film photography. Film photography is becoming more popular among professional and amateur… Continue reading How to Shoot Film Photography — A Guide From Start to Finish

What is Commercial Photography — Gear, Lighting, & Style Tips

You don’t have to be a professional commercial photographer to know how difficult it is to create images that standout in a sea of commercial images that are constantly in circulation. However, creating effective commercial photographs is not all about being unique, but being effective. And being effective comes down to using technique to capture a… Continue reading What is Commercial Photography — Gear, Lighting, & Style Tips

What is an Anamorphic Lens? How to Get that Cinematic Look

Types of LensesOpen menu Prime Lens Zoom Lens Anamorphic Lens Lens Basics More About Lens Types Focal LengthsOpen menu Wide Angle Lens (14mm – 35mm) Standard (35mm – 70mm) Telephoto Lens (70mm – 200mm) More Focal Lengths Specialty LensesOpen menu Macro Lens Fisheye Lens Tilt-Shift Lens Split-Diopter Lens Deakinizer Lens Lens BrandsOpen menu Lens Buying… Continue reading What is an Anamorphic Lens? How to Get that Cinematic Look