Production Lighting — 4 Types of Lighting Kits for Filmmakers

Finding a production lighting kit for an upcoming film can be a daunting task. There are many different kinds of lights you can use, and each have their own strengths and weaknesses. But understanding the different forms of film and videography lighting gives you a solid start. For today’s post we looked to great minds… Continue reading Production Lighting — 4 Types of Lighting Kits for Filmmakers

The Most Inspiring Ads For 2022 That Every Agency Should See

W hen brands tackle important issues, and use their massive reach to spread positivity, they create win-win content for their viewers. Making inspiring ads is no easy task. But if you start with a genuine message and a firm understanding of how advertising techniques work, you can naturally stir up emotional responses from your audience.… Continue reading The Most Inspiring Ads For 2022 That Every Agency Should See

Guide to the YouTube Audio Library & Royalty-Free Music for Videos

We’ve all been there. You want free music or free stock audio for a project, but don’t know where to look. One of the best sources for royalty free music is the YouTube Audio Library. That’s right, it’s an extensive collection of free music for YouTube, by YouTube, on YouTube. So how do you crack… Continue reading Guide to the YouTube Audio Library & Royalty-Free Music for Videos

Ethos, Pathos & Logos: Definition and Examples of Persuasive Advertising Techniques (2022)

HomeEthosPathoslogosTelosKairos Ethos, pathos and logos are techniques of persuasion that form the rhetorical triangle. A compelling argument, sales pitch, speech, or commercial ideally uses elements of all three strategies. We’ll show you how to employ each of the techniques and present some awesome examples along the way.Continue reading Ethos, Pathos & Logos: Definition and Examples… Continue reading Ethos, Pathos & Logos: Definition and Examples of Persuasive Advertising Techniques (2022)

5 Best Film Lighting Techniques: Filmmaker’s Guide to a Cinematic Look

S hooting projects on a budget can mean limitations on your gear. So how can you maintain a “cinematic” look without a cube truck full of lighting equipment? In today’s post, we’ll examine what exactly it means to have a cinematic look. Then we’ll break down several lighting techniques that are achievable on any budget. Although… Continue reading 5 Best Film Lighting Techniques: Filmmaker’s Guide to a Cinematic Look

The Best Lower Third Templates for Premiere [FREE Download]

U sing lower thirds in Premiere can add crucial context to your videos. But there’s a plethora of creative lower thirds to choose from out there. It’s all too easy to get overwhelmed. Don’t worry. As with any part of video producing, just focus on what’s right for your project. And keep in mind some… Continue reading The Best Lower Third Templates for Premiere [FREE Download]

161 Creative YouTube Video Ideas to Try [with FREE Channel Ideas List]

YouTube has over a billion users worldwide. So it’s essential to make a YouTube channel if you want to build a following. But with so many video formats out there, it can be a struggle to know which YouTube video idea is best for your brand. Well struggle no more! We’ve assembled a list of the… Continue reading 161 Creative YouTube Video Ideas to Try [with FREE Channel Ideas List]

The Essential Music Video Credits Format Guide [with FREE Template]

Credits are crucial in music videos. At the dawn of music video, lower thirds stamped the beginning and end of each video. But that was the 80’s. With all the ways to watch video nowadays, how do you give credit where it’s due? Thankfully it’s easy to master the music video title format. Just keep the… Continue reading The Essential Music Video Credits Format Guide [with FREE Template]

How to Write a Spec Script: The Complete Guide to Writing on Spec

There’s no shortage of “How to Write a Spec Script” posts out there, and they tend to come in two forms. Articles about writing on spec either spotlight “business side” considerations — marketplace demand, how to get your material out there, which contests to enter — or they give guidance on the creative process: how… Continue reading How to Write a Spec Script: The Complete Guide to Writing on Spec

Text Graphics in Video: Top Trends For Video Creatives

T here comes a point in every video project when you should consider how you’ll use text graphics.  Maybe you need lower thirds to fill the audience in, or an eye-popping titles sequence to establish your project’s mood.  Solving how to add text to a video can be overwhelming.Continue reading Text Graphics in Video: Top Trends… Continue reading Text Graphics in Video: Top Trends For Video Creatives

How to Write a Script Outline for Film and TV (Free Template and Examples)

T he actual writing of your script is the fun part. But, just like any form of writing, you have to know where you’re going first. Organization is important. That’s where a script outline comes into play. Understanding your central character’s desire, and capturing the scenarios they attract for themselves, should guide that process. There is no… Continue reading How to Write a Script Outline for Film and TV (Free Template and Examples)

How to Write a Story Outline that Works [FREE Script Outline Template]

I f you want to write a script, and finish it, story outlines are helpful. Why? Because once you have waded even knee-deep into the writing, it’s easy to lose sight of things. Even worse? Predators named fear and self-doubt will be stalking you.Continue reading How to Write a Story Outline that Works [FREE Script Outline… Continue reading How to Write a Story Outline that Works [FREE Script Outline Template]